
XToGen is based on Apache-Ant, Saxon, Apache-Tomcat and SDX projects.


Apache-Ant is a cross-platform makefile system, is written in Java and use XML configuration files. It's the official framework used to automatize build process for all projects of Apache foundation. You can find it here :

XToGen has been tested with Apache-Ant 1.6.*. Install ant on your system and don't forget to set ANT_HOME environment variable.


Saxon is a XSLT engine written in Java. You can download it from

XToGen works with Saxon 6.5.3. You don't need to install the whole distribution of Saxon but just need saxon.jar library (to be copied in ANT_HOME/lib directory).


Apache Tomcat is servlet engine developed within the apache project. You can get it from

XToGen has been successfully tested with Tomcat 4.1.27. Please, avoid to use Tomcat 4.1.29 which causes encoding problem when using UTF-8.


SDX framework on which XToGen is based is available here: Download SDX 2.1 to use with WToGen 1 or SDX 2.2 if you wish to work with XToGen 2. Two different SDX releases can be used on the same Tomcat installation. If you encounter problems with SDX2.1 war, try using this one instead.